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Apr 3, 2023

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly of Salesforce CPQ

Max Rudman is currently the Founder & CEO of Prodly. Prior, he founded SteelBrick, which he went on to sell to Salesforce - now known as Salesforce CPQ. In this chat with Max Maeder, Founder & CEO of FoundHQ, they discuss the beginnings of CPQ, why it can be a powerful (yet challenging solution, and how to succeed with the tool. They go into the investment needed to fully maximize CPQ's potential and the mindset companies and Execs need to adopt in order to generate ROI from the platform.

There is absolution no denying that CPQ solutions - whether Salesforce or otherwise - are powerful, necessary tools for B2B companies; however, these platforms, in particular, cause orgs so much trouble. How did it get this way?

Max Rudman says it's due in large part to the product's inherent complexity. Very few Internal Tools touch so many separate business units within a company and CPQ brings Marketing, Finance, Product, Sales, and Service to the table. Additionally, the entire purpose of the tool requires it to evolve in lockstep with changes to the business. "Still, it needs to be better in terms of usability", Max Rudman says.

Max Rudman founded SteelBrick before he sold it to Salesforce - now Salesforce CPQ. In this interview, Max Maeder & Max Rudman chat all-things-CPQ: how it got started, how has the market evolved, why so many companies struggle with CPQ, and how to ensure successful adoption.

Watch the Full Interview Here.

Rudman feels that companies must adopt a different mindset when implementing CPQ. It's not just set it and forget it.

He says, "if you're not changing CPQ often, why do you have it?". Salesforce CPQ, as Max establishes in this interview, is a product that encourages companies to ask themselves how they can evolve their business on an ongoing basis. If you're not taking advantage of that simple fact, you'll never realize its full potential. 

Here are some of our favorite parts of this conversation:

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